Rob Go: 

In search of things new and useful.

Jay Parkinson + MD + MPH = a doctor in NYC: Public Health 2.0

Rob Go
September 7, 2010 · < 1  min.

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I’m preparing a talk I’m giving at the Design Academie Eindhoven (just south of Amsterdam) on Wednesday for a conference about “Questioning Time.” I’ll be speaking about health and how it relates to time. Here’s an interesting snippet about added life expectancy in years over time:

1800 – 1840 =…

“>Jay Parkinson + MD + MPH = a doctor in NYC: Public Health 2.0

I’m preparing a talk I’m giving at the Design Academie Eindhoven (just south of Amsterdam) on Wednesday for a conference about “Questioning Time.” I’ll be speaking about health and how it relates to time. Here’s an interesting snippet about added life expectancy in years over time:

1800 – 1840 =…

Rob Go
Rob is a co-founder and Partner at NextView. He tries to spend as much time as possible working with entrepreneurs to develop products that solve important problems for everyday people.