Rob Go: 

In search of things new and useful.

Directr – Tell Your Story

Rob Go
June 29, 2012 · 2  min.

I’m really excited to announce our recent investment in Directr.

We met Max and Eli earlier this year through an entrepreneur that we love (ps: this is probably the best way to get an intro to a VC). They were working on a problem that immediately resonated with us, and we were immediately excited by the possibilities presented by their approach to their product.

What Directr will do is allow you to create, collaborate on, and share beautiful short movies.  We are all walking around with HD Video cameras in our pockets, but they are rarely utilized and at most, capture random moments that, for the most part, are pretty uninteresting.  Or alternatively, you might shoot hours of video that is uploaded to your hard drive and almost never again sees the light of day (except for the occasional family movie which takes hours to create.)

Directr has a super simple approach to change that.  It draws from what real filmmakers do all the time to tell great stories, and puts that capability in the hands of users.  And best of all, it can be done entirely on the phone in seconds or minutes, not hours.

The product will become available in a few weeks.  For now, request an invite here and follow the company – they have a lot up their sleeves to change the way we tell stories through video.

We are excited to be joined in this investment with friends old and new, including Thomas Lehrman, Alexis Ohanian and Gary Tan, Shari Redstone at Advancit, Dave Balter and Boston Seed, and others.  You can read a bit more about the company and their plans here.


Rob Go
Rob is a co-founder and Partner at NextView. He tries to spend as much time as possible working with entrepreneurs to develop products that solve important problems for everyday people.