Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I was as surprised as the next person to hear today that Fred Destin was going to be leaving Atlas to return home to the UK with his family. I’m sure it was a tough decision, but one I can […]

(This is a guest post from Jay Acunzo, NextView’s director of platform and community and our newest team member.) This post is about new beginnings, specifically mine as director of platform at NextView (about which I’m unbelievably excited). But I […]

I’ve been thinking a lot about the outcome distributions in different circumstances. The dimensions that I think about are: 1. What’s the cost of attempting something? 2. What’s the probability that an individual attempt is successful? 3. Whats the probability […]

I spent a few days in LA this past week and attended the UpFront Ventures conference. It was a fun, high-quality event and I was glad to learn a lot about the great stuff happening in LA and catch up […]

This post is a bit of inside baseball, but bear with me. Like everyone else, I was very impressed by Facebook’s $16B+ acquisition of WhatApp. Apart from the founders and employees of the company, Sequoia Capital was the big winner, […]

Since I posted my Seed VC Decision Tree, one of the most frequent requests I’ve gotten is to define what makes an “awesome founder”. I’ve hesitated to define this because I think evaluating founders is very subjective and I hate […]

I’m really pleased to announce that we have led the first round of financing for Dunwello along with some terrific co-investors and angels. Scott Kirsner at the Globe did a nice writeup here. The founding team is comprised of two guys […]

I’m co-hosting an event in 2 weeks with an old friend and colleague of mine from Silicon Valley named Adam Nash. Adam is currently the CEO of Wealthfront, the world’s fastest growing online financial advisor. Previously, Adam was VP of […]

At least a few times a week, I get asked “are we too early to be raising money” by an entrepreneur. This might be in the context of a company trying to raise their seed round, or a company that […]