Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
Filtered Posts

A lot of things are evolving in the startup and VC world. Many of them for the better, as there has been a great surge in great talent going after big ideas and greater access to capital at the early […]

Today is an exciting day at NextView. Earlier this morning, we announced our investment in Change Collective (our first investment of 2014). Just as exciting, I am also pleased to announce that we are looking to add to our team for […]

My old colleague Michael Dearing (who is an outstanding seed investor in SV btw) shared this tweet recently: “mcgd: The difference between companies who practice OKRs or equiv and those that do not is stark. n = hundreds” I’ve definitely […]

It’s been a yearly tradition for me to share a semi-quantitative view into our portfolio at NextView. Three years ago, I published our first “Stroll through the portfolio” and I’ve published updates each year in January. Here are the posts […]

Ed Zimmerman wrote a nice article in the WSJ about the value of VC Associates. It’s a great read, and as a former VC associate, I agree with many of his points. But VC associates continue to get a bad […]

Startup founders have so much invested in their company that it can cloud the way they think about competition. Sometimes you can be too paranoid and get way too focused on competitors, to the point that they cause you to […]

I’m in a reflective mood as Thanksgiving is around the corner, and I’ve been thinking a lot about motivation. If nothing else, entrepreneurs need a LOT of it to push through the valleys between the peaks. When I think about […]

I gave a quick talk today at the Future Forward conference on “How VC’s Win, and How Things Are Changing”. It’s a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot. My observation is that the Venture Capital business has changed significantly […]

Nearly all VC investors have an ownership percentage they are shooting for. For most large funds, it’s 20%. I’ve blogged about the mysterious 20% ownership threshold before. If it seems arbitrary, that’s because it is. Usually, this ownership number is […]