Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I continue to be on a kick towards better and more systematic decision-making. One exercise I’ve tried is to codify my mental decision-tree for early stage investing. Essentially, it is the internal dialog I tend to have with myself when […]

I’ve been hearing a similar lament recently from founders of seed stage companies. It goes something like this: “I thought seed funds would be faster at getting to a decision than large funds. But I’m finding these guys are actually […]

I’m often asked to share advice about raising the first few rounds of capital for a young startup. I’m actually on my way to an accelerator right now where I was asked to lead a few sessions on this topic. […]

Source, Select, Win. Those are the three activities that all VC’s do. Ask 10 VC’s which of the three is most important, and I think at least 9/10 would say “Source”. If you don’t see the best opportunities, there is […]

I’ve been thinking a lot about what Angelist means for the entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially here in Boston where I live. I continue to think that seed/angel investing is a pretty local endeavor, and even more so when one is hoping […]

I’ve been thinking a lot about how Venture Capital firms can innovate on what I’ve been calling “Product Delivery”. A lot of VCs are starting to be more creative about their “product”. That is, what they are offering to entrepreneurs […]

Labor Day is over, time to get to work! Summer is always the time when large numbers of new participants in the tech ecosystem arrive and start to get their bearings. This is why this was created, and why I […]

My old colleague from Ebay, Michael Dearing, was a fantastic executive, and is now a terrific investor and teacher at Stanford. He’s starting to release some of his content into the wild, and it’s definitely worth the time to check […]

Over the past couple years, there has been an emerging bifurcation in the seed investing market. We’ve noticed this both in the industry broadly, as well as in the companies that we have invested in or seriously considered. Essentially, there […]