Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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The NY Techstars program is a few months away. The latest SeedCamp class just swung by Boston earlier this week. And Boston’s Techstars class started this past Monday. I know some of the teams, and have met some of the founders […]

Early stage companies are often refining their stories or narratives. It’s important for lots of reasons – inspiring team members, recruiting, creating focus, getting effective press, fundraising, etc. From a fundraising perspective, one of the challenges of telling one’s story […]

I saw this recent list published by PrivCo today, and I couldn’t stop myself from writing a quick post. It’s actually a teaser report for readers to go purchase the full report and underlying data. I have to say, DO […]

I moderated a really excellent panel last week on the State of Product Management. A really nice summary (with photos) was posted on VentureFizz by Greg Rublev. Check it out.

It’s a great scene in many movies. There is a climactic moment when it’s clear that the odds are badly stacked against the heroes. But it’s also clear that there is nowhere to run, or no time to avoid a […]

About 4 years ago, in Feb 2009, we were having breakfast with one of my neighbors when she mentioned that she had just bought a “groupon” to a local restaurant. At the time, I was thinking generally about the concept […]

This year will mark the third year of NextView’s existence. As a founder, it feels like a long time, but it’s really a blip on the radar in the scheme of things. As such, I still get asked pretty often […]

I’ve been noticing something that I think will make some big strides in 2013. It’s a trend that I think we’ll see in consumer services. That’s right, even amidst the gloom of the series A crunch and the flock towards […]

We all read tons of stuff on the internet to give us a better perspective on the world we traverse. I find that the vast majority of links that fly across my streams are “pop technology”. They might be mildly […]