Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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My favorite pieces of decoration in our office are two little paintings that was given to me by Seth Minkin as part of a little online project organized by my friend Dave Balter. Here they are below. […]

I’m always amazed at how much short term decisions are driven by lagging indicators. For instance, when Yammer was acquired by Microsoft, the tech market saw this as a major validation of “enterprise 2.0”. In the months leading up to […]

Investors often get asked “what areas are you looking at these days?” It’s a hard question for me to answer. I’m never that interested in broad areas. “healthcare IT” or “ed-tech” is way way too broad. Those are barely themes. […]

I find it really interesting to see how investors and entrepreneurs shift their money and efforts from one sector to the other. For example, when I started in venture, very few investors thought e-commerce was interesting. But the last few […]

Another year, another guide. Summer is always the time when large numbers of new participants in the tech ecosystem arrive and start to get their bearings. This is why this guide exists, and why I try to refresh it every […]

Bryce Roberts had a quick post yesterday lamenting the state of startup investor pitches. I’ve noticed a similar sort of trend. I think part of it is that there has been a move away from “meaty” pitches to more “vision” […]

I’ve heard a similar story from a number of accelerators these days. It goes something like this: “We’ve decided to try to work with companies that are a little further along. It allows us to have a bigger impact on […]

Reading Brad Feld’s dad’s post about Brad’s grandfather made me get around to writing this one. My Dad was born in 1947. He passed away just four weeks ago after a prolonged bout with lung cancer. It was sad, but […]

A few weeks ago, I was able to spend a little time with my 12-year old niece who lives in Singapore. For those of you who know Singapore, you know that it is an incredibly competitive place academically. Standards are […]