Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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HOWTO: Spend your investors’ money – Really practical advice from SimpleGeo CTO Joe Stump

Tons of chatter recently about the remarkable growth of companies like AirBnB and Square. I’m big fans of both, and love how ambitious those companies are trying to be (and progressing nicely). Even if some folks perceive the market as […]

I’ve been having this conversation quite a few times over the last several weeks, so I thought it would be important to do a post on this.The question that I often get asked is “how should I think about the […]

I met with a few entrepreneurs recently who left interesting companies to pursue their own ideas. In both cases, they wanted to experiment with a number of different concepts and had plenty of runway to figure out where they ultimately […]

A common phrase in the venture business is that you have to “kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince”, meaning that you have to look at a lot of companies to find the real gems. I think folks […]

Earlier this year, I published our annual “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Boston Entrepreneurial Community” I’ve also been going around town handing out hard copies as well. As with all good things, there has been new exciting things popping up that […]

For the last couple years, when people have asked me what is needed to improve the startup eco-system in New England, my response has been “more shots on goal”. I have firmly believed in this. It was (and continues to […]

In starting NextView, one of the things I was looking forward to doing was crafting our own decision-making process for the firm. Making wise decisions is very important in venture (duh) and being able to balance speed, collaboration, and diligence […]