Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I had dinner with an entrepreneur that I really admire a few nights ago. He raised a small seed round pre-product and the early signs for the company are positive. He made a very simple remark that I thought was […]

I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while. This may sound a little strange, butI think there has been a little too much emphasis on the START in recent years.I know that sounds strange coming from a seed investor, […]

Looks like quite a few people took my April fool’s joke too literally. There were nuggets of truth to the post, but most of it was tongue and cheek. Truth – there is a big wooden table at the old […]

VC’s grill entrepreneurs all the time about how they will win vs. their competitors. What’s your “secret sauce”? How do you have an “unfair advantage”? How do you “get to first base” in light of many other competitors? What entrepreneurs […]

I was inspired to write this post after speaking with a group of students at Northeastern this past week. What was most impressive was that this group of ~20 aspiring entrepreneurs actually came out and engaged in a great dialog […]

How can I tell if I am failing at my entrepreneurial venture or start-up? | Recruiting & Job Search, New York City Start-up blog by Marc Cenedella Great advice from Marc Cenedella on why entrepreneurs need to be “unreasonable”

I’ve been thinking about the question of whether startups should do marketing. It’s conventional wisdom to say that marketing isn’t important, since quality products should sell themselves. I’m inclined to agree with this, but I do often see counter-examples. Let’s […]

This is really simple advice, but I find it remarkably powerful. Always ask twice. If you get ignored the first time, or hear a “no”, it never hurts to try again when you’ve made more progress. It’s amazing how far […]