Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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The Gong Show: Starting VS Joining Charlie O’Donnell wrote a post yesterday entitled Changing The Wrong Ratio. He makes many points across the post that tie together well, but I want to pull out one that has been banging around […]

The NextView team went away for a couple days recently for a strategy offsite. One of the major topics we discussed was firm culture. It’s an elusive idea. Usually, culture happens TO you. You inherit it when you join a […]

Hi, I’m a tech VC on Twitter. I’m @xyzvc My icon is cool. It’s a painting/cartoon/wacky photo. Shows that I’m hip and approachable. But when I meet with you, I’ll still crush your dreams. I tweet about technology, but occassionaly […]

I was a huge fan of comic books growing up, but what I always found amusing is that there tended to be certain archetypes of super heroes that would keep showing up. For example – the “simple-minded strong dumb guy” […]

There’s a cool new service I heard about recently called TurningArt. In a nutshell, it’s “Netflix for art with the option to buy” As a consumer, I love the idea, and like this segment of the art market in general. When […]

I used to hold “Open Office Hours” when I was at Spark. It was a great way to make space to meet any and every entrepreneur that wanted to connect. A few months later, it seems like Open Office Hours […]

It’s a little in vogue these days for seed stage investors to bash on larger VC’s. It’s kind of fun, and in many cases, the criticisms have merit. But most folks agree that having home run potential almost always means […]

bijan sabet: Teacher Reviews A few years ago we moved to a different suburb outside of Boston. It made my commute a bit better and the public school system is supposed to be one of the best. The reputation came […]