Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I’ve both given and received the feedback that a product or pitch isn’t “different enough”. It’s challenging feedback to receive because it’s completely open ended. You doesn’t necessarily know what it would mean to be different, but you know it […]

Startup Marketing Tips from 3 Years at HubSpot Mike has done amazing work at HubSpot, creating great inbound traffic for something that just isn’t that sexy (but he makes it so). Great presentation and learnings.

For better or worse, Micro-VC’s and Super Angels seem to be the new intriguing sub-segment within Venture Capital. Funds like First Round Capital, Floodgate, Lowercase, Founder Collective, IA Venture Partners, Harrison Metal, and Felicis and individuals like Ron Conway, Keith Rabois and […]

One of the things I have the privilege to do outside of work is serve on the board of an Christian church in Brookline called Highrock. The church was founded less than 2 years ago, and it’s been a pleasure […]

A lot of folks start their fundraising efforts by targeting their first choice prospect and working down the list. It’s instinctively the most natural thing to do. But unless you are a really good fundraiser and know that the process […]

Jeff Bezos: We Are What We Choose communitas: A great speech for his Princeton University – 2010 Baccalaureate remarks.

Quick post today that came to me on the subway. During my time in Venture Capital, I was surprised to see how many “rules” there are that have become gospel in the industry. At the same time, I was surprised […]

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