Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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Jason Putorti – How Acquired 1.5M+ Users Really good post on user acquisition for Mint.

Seems like VC’s are starting to bring in more new folks again. It’s refreshing to see. I think Venture is very much a young person’s job and it behooves firms to have a flow of really good, smart, scrappy young […]

I’m doing a little experiment with Myers Briggs analysis and founding teams. I’d love to hear what others think. I’ve known about the Myers Briggs personality test for a while. By the way, I’m an INFJ – relatively weak on […]

This is a quick post that has been sitting in my draft folder too long. I watched Mike Maples‘ presentation about “Thunder Lizards” a little while back. It was a good talk and hopefully I get to meet him in person soon. Here’s […]

This is my first post on a series about CPG advertising and the internet. I think that a massive shift in CPG advertising to the web is happening, and it’s one of mytop 3 trends of the next year. What is puzzling to […]

In honor of SXSW, which I sadly missed this year, here are my predictions for the next big areas of innovation on the web in the near future. I am going to completely ignore mobile and geo, since it’s an area […]

I wrote a post on Sunday about Why the VC Business is like a big game of Texas Hold’Em. As folks pointed out, it’s not a perfect analogy, but there are major similarities because of the interplay of skill and […]

There is a meme on Twitter about the similarities of VC’s and Product Managers. I commented that A big difference in the VC business is that it takes a lot longer to figure out if you are good, and you […]

Being a VC, it’s easy to fall out of touch with mainstream consumers. I spend so much time with geeks and early adopters that I sometimes forget that most people have no idea what Foursquare, Blippy, or OMGPOP are. Some […]