Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I’m in a zen mood today, and I’m thinking about the most important lessons that I’ve learned in my career so far. Most lessons that matter sound like common sense, but in practice are profoundly complicated. Although I have a […]

This is a continuation from my previous post about fast followers. Several times a week, I hear a pitch from for a company that is fairly similar to existing players in the market. When I ask the entrepreneur how they […]

BRYCE DOT VC: Deal Fever The winds of change are sweeping into the start up scene once again. Spring is, er, springing and checkbooks are opening in full bloom. In our world, spring fever is being replace with a new […]

All this talk recently about Groupon clones got me thinking about fast followers. In competitive markets, fast followers pile on very very quickly. Every one of them says to themselves “the market is wide open, we can be the number […]

There has been some chatter on Twitter about the value of pitching to VC associates. Thought I’d lob in my 2 cents on the shuttle to NYC. Full disclosure – I am a senior associate at Spark Capital. Roles have […]

The Lean Startup movement isn’t terribly new, but the level of hype is reaching pretty significant levels. The contrarian in me is always a little wary when anything gets overly hyped. To be clear, I really really like the concepts of […]

Today is Ash Wed. It’s not a very well known religious day, but it’s one I personally find particularly meaningful. For those of you who are curious, here is a primer on Ash Wed. In a nutshell, it marks the […]

caterpillarcowboy: For the first time since November 2008, I’m getting a paycheck today. It’s not much ($930.46) and 1/5th of what I used to be paid, but I’ll take it. Needless to say, I have no money left and credit […]