Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I previously wrote a To-Do list for new entrepreneurs arriving in Boston. It included a bunch of folks to follow on twitter and on their blogs, events to go to, and companies to get familiar with. I’d like to add […]

bijan: I’ve seen a number of consumer startups trying to reach massive scale by doing deals with carriers or device manufacturers (cell phone manufacturers) Some worked out nicely for the startups but most don’t. I like consumer startups that are […]

What do Admob, CafePress, Aardvark, Polyvore, and Xoopit have in common? If you said that they were all backed by great VC’s like Sequoia, August, Benchmark, and Accel, you would be correct. But did you know that they are also […]

Larry Cheng at Volition Capital has put together some excellent lists of top VC bloggers and top VC websites by traffic. Obviously, these measurement methods aren’t perfect (he uses a rolling 3 month average of unique visitors from Compete), but […]

I will be holding my next “Open Office Hours” on Friday, Feb 12, 2010 from 9AM – 11AM. This is my third Open Office Hours session – I’m having fund and hopefully folks find it helpful. The purpose of these […]

Charlie O’Donnel and Jon Steinberg recently wrote two excellent posts about the value of business school and advice to graduates looking to join a startup. Their feedback is quite challenging and a little negative on MBA programs. I’ve said myself […]

Like millions of others, I was watching intently as Steve Jobs unveiled the new IPad. I’m definitely getting one. I honestly don’t think I know exactly how I will use it, but I know I will… a lot. It’s always […]