Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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VC’s pass on new investment opportunities more than 99% of the time. My guess is that the clear #1 reason why we pass is because of the team. This could mean a bunch of different things (eg. no confidence the […]


Fall is upon us (although it feels like winter) and for Boston, that means a new wave of folks who are arriving here for studies or new career opportunities. When I moved to Boston from Silicon Valley in 2005, I […]

What’s the difference between strategy and tactics? Age-old question. Usually, strategy is what you said was your plan after you blundered and lucked your way to a win.Howard Anderson

Markets Win This is a little backwards, but I found a great old post by Marc Andreesen that relates to my former post on identifying great markets. It’s definitely worth a read. One particularly good segment (with Marc himself quoting […]

It’s been said over and over again that VC’s (and all investors) look to invest in great market segments. I’ve also heard different folks say “you are better off backing a bad team in a great market than a great […]

When I was growing up, my parents were adamant about providing me an “American Education”. Luckily, I had the means and opportunity to attend an American international school both in the Philippines and Hong Kong, and got a pretty good […]