Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
Filtered Posts

A few days ago, I posted the following tweet: “Something has changed about my twittering and blogging recently. Can’t quite put my finger on it.” I think I figured out what’s going on. I’ve always been a very open guy. […]

Guru-The Caterer My friend Andrew Lau just told me about this place. I can’t wait to try it. Punjabi Dhaba hasn’t been doing it for me recently.

New England Trade Associations and our Student Community Readers of my blog know that I’ve been pushing for the entrepreneurial community here in Boston to be more inclusive of our student population. In that spirit, Scott Kirsner has a nice […]

Completely agree with Bijan’s recent post. This is a time to be positive, collaborative, and generous. bijan: I’ve been meanging to write this post for the last few months. But I’m struggling with the best way to do it. So […]