Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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Apple’s Jobs Disses Amazon’s Kindle: “Whole Concept Flawed” – Silicon Alley Insider I’m sure that this is taken out of context, but I wish Jobs didn’t say that “people don’t read anymore”. It’s just a silly sound bite. We have […]

Chinese Blogger Beaten To Death By Government Officials This is tragic. But I think it also shows that the Chinese government will need to become far more accountable to the ways that they are restricting free speech in the country. […]

CNET just selected Bug Labs (a Spark/USV portfolio company) as a Best of CES 2008 contender. That is so freaking cool. If you love the idea of community electronics, then I would encourage you to vote for Bug Lab here […]

We announced our latest investment in 5min today, a leader in the online how-to video space. Watch experts show you how to hit a flop shot in golf, change a flat tire, etc. Great content with a very unique and […]

Every now and then, people ask me what new areas I am looking into. If you read my blog posts, you can generally get a feel for this. One new area of interest for me is what I’ll call the […]