Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
Filtered Posts

I wasted way too many hours of my life playing video games in college. It’s been a while since I’ve touched a traditional game controller (I do enjoy a little wii now and then), but I just a preview for… […]

I am working on a half-baked theory about the future of social networking. Thanks in advance for letting me discuss it here. Some of it was inspired by conversations with my friend Tamin Pechet, so he should get some (if… […]

Maybe this is a dumb question, but why does Adobe almost without fail hijack my browser when I try to open a pdf? It seems like it should be pretty easy to make this a seamless process, but more than… […]

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses’ – Heny Ford Everything that can be invented has been invented – Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, US Patent Office, 1899 Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable… […]

My first post from my Tumblelog. Still as true as ever. Apologies in advance for my Tumblr readers. I’m going to re-create some posts to populate this blog. Makes me feel better about myself 🙂 (via Why Didn’t I Think […]

I’m back on Typepad again, but I’m sure nobody noticed. Actually, Typepad should pay Tumblr for keeping me in the blogging game. I heard a stat that something like 80%-90% of blog accounts are eventually abandoned because it’s either too… […]

About a year ago, I heard about a golfer who was able to play in a PGA tour event by winning a local qualifier. The guy ended up playing the tournament with a shirt with the words “Endorsements Needed” printed […]

Consumer Fatigue (Or, death by Betas) I was going to write a post on what I am seeing as the excessive proliferation of public betas for web products. When I was looking around to see what else had be written, […]