Rob Go
In search of things new and useful.
In search of things new and useful.
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I had the strangest dream last night. I think it shows that I’ve been thinking about work way too much. I dreamt about visiting an entrepreneur who had developed a really cool new technology. He played an R&B song for […]

I had an early train to NYC this morning and I needed to wake up at 5:50AM. My alarm clock is one of those plug-in radio clocks that annoyingly reset if there is an unexpected interruption in power. Well, last… […]

We’ve been looking at a number of companies in the news and information space. It got me thinking about how I consume news. I recently started reading the Economist, and I’m in love with it. I got the idea from… […]

It’s a good time to be a Boston sports fan! There is actually a legitimate chance that 3 Boston pro teams will content for their league championships. The Sox are up 2-0 in the World Series, the Pats look dominant,… […]

As a venture capitalist, it’s easy to lose touch with what consumers really want. We spend all our time trying to find companies that will be successful in the future, and usually, that means ideas that initially only appeal to… […]

Trying this out. It isn’t showing up right on my sidebar, but seems like a cool widget. (via Why Didn’t I Think of That?)

Why do you really need to turn off your laptop during takeoff? Why is WiFi free in cheap hotels but not expensive ones? Why don’t public sinks have foot pedals? And much much more… (via Why Didn’t I Think of […]

I’m trying out a new tool called Xobni on my laptop at home. It’s very cool so far… allows me to see trends in my email behavior to specific recipients, keeps track of attachments sent between me and others, etc…. […]